if i was to write a bio about ken, i'd start right out by saying he's created a small niche in skate world and continues hang there. although he does do art shows in the ny/philly area, i think he makes most of his work known through the logos he does for companies. he's been doing art for the skateboarding scene for a long time. the first thing i remember was an album cover he did for the Faction. then he did stuff for Brand X, including his own pro model which had a super wide tail for super loud lein to tails that were a sigafoos trademark. (see a clip of ken in my old school skate section). about this time ken also played in the band MFC which was at the forefront of a killer music movement- Lehigh Valley Hard Core. ken and others built the legendary MFC ramp at his house in easton, pa. seen skating there were freaks such as groholski, dan tag, rick& glenn chranoski, murf, rob mertz, cab and too many other mind blowers.
back to the topic of art. his talent can be seen in products from companies such as smallroom, intensity skates, gouge, XXX, shut skates, cheapskates to name just a few. he's done tattoos for me, and the late sean miller. besides art, ken can write also. you can check out this story which was reprinted without the permission of poweredge where it originally was printed.
so with the background in place, i urge you to move along and check out the world we live in through ken's eyes. all sections have a low and high bandwith option. they include his paintings which are incredible smooth and inspired by some wacky stuff. the hell stuff is a glimpse into what he puts on t's. the scum stuff was done for a friends company. and then i just had to have a section for things that would not fit into any other category. feedback is more than welcome.